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Which religion is the most correct?

Can you accurately and objectively answer the questions:  "Of the various and differing religions of the world, which one is the most correct or truthful?" My friend, I must admit that I've never heard a debate on whi...

Answers to Muslims Objections about the Bible - Part 1

Q1: Why do the two genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke [apparently] disagree? If someone is declared to be the son of God, surely his credentials must be impeccable, mustn't they? Two variant genealogies [allegedly] c...

Why Do We Believe the Bible Is the Word of God?

I am very honored for your invitation to come and speak to you on two very important subjects in the Word of God. First : The Authenticity of the Bible Second: The Deity of Christ or to make it simpler The Inspiration of t...

Islam in Biblical Perspective

THE MANY FACES OF ISLAM The religion that originated with Muhammad has developed during the last 1,350 years into a world-wide cultural power, appearing in various and sometimes contrary manifestations. Gamal Abdul-Nasser wanted to annihilate the new-born state of Israel to erase the Arab's disgrace at the defeat of their war with Israel (1948/49). He also wanted to repel the infiltration of atheistic communism and transform it into an Islamic socialist state. He hoped to shake the Arabic people, wake them from their lethargy, and unite them in war against Israel. Until today, Algeria, Libya, South Yemen, Syria and Iran are influenced by...

Only One Way To God

What is religion? This question has puzzled theologians throughout human history. But how did religion start in the first place? Why did it start? In order to understand some of these issues, let us have a look at the etymology of the word “religion” itself, and see that when and where this word was used for the very first time in the human history.

The word religion was used for the very first time in the Latin language. The actual word used in Latin was “religio”, which changed into religion when came into English. The roots of the Arabic word “Mazhab” or “Deen” can also be traced back to “religio”. In the Latin language, the word “religio” had three basic meanings; which are Faith, Trust & Belief.

If you further analyse these three words, faith, trust and belief; then you realize that there are actually three different characteristics

Fatima's Testimony (Islam)

Fatima's Testimony Listen to Fatima's testimony who is from Algeria who is a former Muslim.

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