Missions To Islam

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Sharing Christ With Muslims
Islam is one of the fastest growing religions on earth with 1.6 billion followers, yet ministry among Muslims is by far the most neglected mission field. Some reports claim that as little as one percent of the world missionary force is working among them. Over 80 percent of all Muslims have never heard the Gospel. As compelling and heartbreaking as these statistics are, we have a greater mandate: Jesus said to go to all peoples... One fifth of the world is still waiting.
The Christian church has never seriously attempted to reach the hundreds of millions who are Muslims. The great missionary Samuel Zwemer stated, "One might suppose that the church thought the Great Commission did not apply to Muslims."
This is easily demonstrated by looking at some statistics concerning missions. Only one percent of the church’s entire missionary force is ministering to Muslims. This means that there is about one Christian missionary for every one million Muslims. The church has more missionaries working among Alaska’s 400,000 residents than in the entire Muslim world!
For more information, please refer to The Spirit of Islam site.