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Q: Do Christians worship three gods? The Muslims believe that there is one God “Allah” in the Arabic language which is the same as the Jewish God—the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Also they believe in Christ who was bo...
80- Is the Gospel a book or four different books? Muslims have the idea that "the Gospel" (Injil) is a book which God has been pleased to send down to Jesus. But to Jesus' first disciples, and to the Christian Church, "th...
Every year Christians all over the world celebrate a memory dear to them, which is the birth of our Lord Essah the Messiah, so would you please answer my question? Christ was not merely an ordinary person like others, but...

Muslim Jesus Vs Biblical Jesus

Twenty Scriptural Reasons Why They Are Not the Same Jesus A compilation and Comparison by James Sundquist 1. Islamic Jesus was created and not eternal The similitude of Jesus before Allah is that of Adam: he created him from dust, then said to him, "Be": and he was. Koran: Sura 3:59 vs. Biblical Jesus who is eternal But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee shall he come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth [have been] from of old, from everlasting. Micah 5:2 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. John 8:58 ...

Only One Way To God

What is religion? This question has puzzled theologians throughout human history. But how did religion start in the first place? Why did it start? In order to understand some of these issues, let us have a look at the etymology of the word “religion” itself, and see that when and where this word was used for the very first time in the human history.

The word religion was used for the very first time in the Latin language. The actual word used in Latin was “religio”, which changed into religion when came into English. The roots of the Arabic word “Mazhab” or “Deen” can also be traced back to “religio”. In the Latin language, the word “religio” had three basic meanings; which are Faith, Trust & Belief.

If you further analyse these three words, faith, trust and belief; then you realize that there are actually three different characteristics

Walid's Testimony (Islam)

Walid's Testimony My name is Walid. I was born in Bethlehem, Israel. On the day that I was born it was one of the holiest days to Islam, the birthday of the Muslim prophet Mohammad (Al-Mauled Al-Nabawi). This was an honor to my father. For that, he named me Walid which relates to the Arabic word (Mauled) and in English (The Birth) to always remember the birthday of the Muslim prophet. My father was a Palestinian Muslim who taught English and Islamic studies in the Holy Land. My mother was an American who married my father during his studies in the United States in the year of 1956. Fearing the impact of the American way of life for thei...

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