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Peace and Happiness for Women

Your peace and the peace of your family are the gifts of God. More than that, these were the purposes of God when He created Eve, “the mother of all living.” The picture God painted for a peaceful home and family has sadly been distorted, but here is the hope and good news: God is able to restore your peace, your happiness, as He meant for you when He created you. To learn the path He has given to know the way to such peace and happiness, we need to return to the story of Eve and see how God solved the problem of sin.

We saw in the story of Adam and Eve that the woman listened to the serpent and ate from the tree that God had forbidden. She gave to Adam and he also ate from it. God’s holiness required judgment for their sin. Eve’s punishment included the pain that she would suffer in childbirth. But the scene did not end there. They were put out of the garden—but God Himself brought for them clothes made of animal skins, because they were naked.

One may ask why God brought skins to cover their nakedness? Where did the skins come from? What was the lesson He intended to teach Adam and Eve? We know that skins come from animals, so an animal had to be killed for them to be covered. Do you remember, my dear lady, the story of Abraham? When God asked him to offer his son as a sacrifice to test Abraham’s faith, God brought to Abraham a ram that he should offer in the place of his son. Here we find that a sacrifice was made to cover Adam and Eve, just as a sacrifice was made to save Abraham’s son, and all those who would follow their steps in faith. The sacrifice is for atonement and salvation. God made it to be a substitute for the death of man, for the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 3:23).

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