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What Is Islam?

ISLAM is the world’s second largest religion with a following of over one billion people called Muslims—one-fifth of humanity.

The word “Islam” actually means “submission to God.” Therefore, “a Muslim is one who strives to submit to God.”

Where is Islam found?

Islam has spread across the entire globe. Muslims can be found in North and South America as well as in Western Europe, but they are predominately found in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Their predominant homelands lie in the area commonly referred to as the “10/40 Window” (between 10 degrees latitudinal north and 40 degrees latitudinal north ranging from the eastern side of North Africa to the western side of Asia). About 60% of Muslims are Asian. The regional breakdown of Muslims in the rest of the world is Arab world, 22%; sub-Sahara African, 12%; Eastern Europe, 5%. The rest are scattered through the world.

When did Islam begin, and who founded it?

Islam was founded in 610 A.D. by a man named Mohammed. During Mohammed’s time, polytheism reigned. His people were worshipping multiple gods. During one of Mohammed’s trips as a trader, he had a vision from a being he perceived to be an angel who said, “There is only one God, and His name is Allah. Worship Him.”

What is their holy book?

Just as Christians have the Bible, Muslims have the Quran. They believe the Quran was dictated to Mohammed by God through the angel Gabriel. Muslims are also told in the Quran to read three other holy books: the Torah (which are the first five books of the Old Testament), the Zabur (which are the Psalms of David), and the Injeel (the gospel of Christ).

What do Muslims believe in?

“Islam has seven fundamental beliefs that every Muslim must accept as a part of his/her religion (the Emanul Mufassil, or Faith Listed in Detail). Every Muslim learns this formula as a part of his/her religious training.” *

“Belief in God” (the standard word for “God” in Arabic is الله—“Allah”)
“Belief in the angels” (both good and bad)
“Belief in the revealed Books of God”
Belief in God’s many prophets” (including Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, and others Christians and Jews are familiar with)
“Accepting that there will be a Last Day”
Belief in the divine measurement of human affairs
Belief in life after death”

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