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I don't understand. How can I have a child, since I'm a virgin? The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High: will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God. To prove that what I announced to you will happen: Elisabeth, your cousin is going to have a child in her old age.

She, who was said to be barren, is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God! I'm the Lord's servant May it be to me as you have said. A few days later... Mother, I'd like to spend some weeks with our cousin Elisabeth.

I see that you want this with all your heart, though you don't say why.. Your visit will surely make her happy as well as her husband Zacharias. But they live far from here, in Judea. You can only go if you join a caravan passing Nazareth on its way to Jerusalem, But I'll put you in the care of a reliable guide, who'll look after you.

I'm not afraid, for I know that God will protect me! God has blessed me with His presence and has spoken to me in my heart that I shall be the mother of the Messiah, Who will save us all from our sin..... Tam curious as to how my cousin is doing and to find. out that it is all true! Soon afterwards Mary is on her way to Judea.

Mary from Nazareth, that's the way to Ain-Karin, where your cousin Elisabeth lives. The village is in that valley. Thank you for the journey. May God protect you!


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