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Themes For the Diligent


I have spent much time in the company of my Muslim brethren, most of whom are scholars. When we engaged in friendly and sincere discourses about religion we explored every avenue and knocked at every door; so, it occurred to me to summarise these discourses in the form of a book. As a result, this effort comes to all those who have sought fair-mindedness and made truth their goal, in the hope that it will benefit and guide them in the path of Truth. Then, if the truth is clear to them, hopefully they will embrace it, selling everything they have in order to buy it. Such folk will be blessed and they will prosper.

In my discussion I have followed a method suited to any reasonable Muslim, and no honourable seeker will disapprove of it. It is to furnish, whenever possible, proofs from the Qur'an and the Traditions, as well as from history, because these carry more weight with the Muslim and meet with no objections. Thus we shall arrive at the conclusion of the matter. Surely, truth is the daughter of investigation as scholars define it. The seeker after truth is not against roaming in the field of discussion in order to find it. The one who already possesses it will not refrain from discussion since it will only establish him more firmly. Therefore, my Muslim brother, do not be upset by my invitation to discuss in the spirit of piety, for in so doing, you will either benefit others or yourself; in both cases you will come out of the arena a winner. The fact that I quote from the Qur'an and Traditions does not commit me to acknowledging their veracity. The rules of logical debate and civil laws permit me this method. For the Muslim brother, in the first place, does not accept the infallibility of my Holy Book (the Torah and Gospel). Otherwise I would have quoted him numerous proofs from it of the veracity of each of the discourses in this publication, thus removing from his heart every doubt and exchanging certainty for suspicion.

My Muslim brethren, don't you and we have the same purpose in religion, to worship the Creator and enable us to secure eternal felicity after death? So you follow a certain path to this end while we follow another. How would it harm us if we discuss the subject thoroughly in a spirit of humility, piety and objectivity? Truth is one and indivisible, so let us walk together in amity, thereby gaining our Creator's favour, and at last enjoy an Eden-like immortal bliss. It was only genuine love which led us to compile this and other messages. We wish you to walk side by side with us, and share with us the Salvation which we have obtained in Christ, and to enjoy with us everlasting life. We cannot hate you if we wish you the happiness, joy and salvation we covet for ourselves, but rather we are sincere friends who love you. So do not mistrust us. May God guide you in the right path.

In discussion one should avoid shallow amiability, and so I shall beg my Muslim brother's indulgence if he finds some of my words hard to bear, for it is not my intention to denigrate his beliefs. At the same time, I would like to arrive at some truths, and this does not permit me to set aside my own convictions in order to please him. Likewise I do not expect him to set aside his. This is, after all, a debating opportunity. However, I shall promise my esteemed reader to avoid any trace of provocation, ridicule or scorn. Let it be admitted that I have, in compiling this book, made use of previous publications. My prayer to God is that it will prove beneficial and a means of accord. He it is who answers the petitions of the sincere, and he is my sufficiency and the source of all my help.

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