Only Jesus Christ Was Fit For Crucifixion Task
Yes, only Christ was fit for this enterprise for the following reasons:
The sacrifice had to be pure and without blemish.
The sacrifice was to be of such value to equal the number of souls to be redeemed.
It had to be of the same kind as man.
It had to have the necessary standing before God to serve as a connecting link between God and man.
If one were to search among all mankind one would not find any who would meet these conditions except Christ. The reason is that all have sinned, even the prophets, and need someone to redeem them. No one possesses the necessary worth in God's sight. No one has the intrinsic standing, except the Word of God.
For my soul, O my healer is in misery and decay,
Grant it healing at your hands through the Cross.
O mediator of peace I seek refuge in the Cross,
For me present this plea, to your Father who will heed.
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