Sources Of Islam
Since every religion must have had a Source from which it sprung, so this last faith, Islam, must like all others have had its originating cause. Accepted neither by Jews nor Christians, many treatises have been written to convert it. These have been answered by Moslems in such Works as the Mizhn ool Mavazin; but unfortunately the learning of the Authors of these defenses of Islam has not been equal to their zeal. The Object of the present work is to investigate the various theories which have been put forward as to the origin of Islam. The Author first states briefly the Moslem view, and then examines the claim of those who hold that Islam has a human and not a divine origin.
In this new endeavor, it has been the Author's object, by God's help, to show from whence the Moslem faith has risen, its foundation and origin, in other words, its Source. And he trusts that those who study the following pages, having learned the origin of the Faith, may not lose sight of those Sources whence has arisen the vast stream which has overflowed so many nations of the East.
Moslems hold that their Faith came direct from heaven. The Koran and all their tenets were sent down by Gabriel from God himself to Mohammed. Much of their faith is also built upon Tradition handed down by the Prophet's followers. But the Shieahs differ from the Sunnis as to much that is told us by Tradition; and the Author, therefore, has based his arguments mainly on The Koran which is accepted as divine by every Moslem, and on such tradition as is comfortable thereto. As for The Koran, it is held to be of eternal origin, recorded in heaven, and lying as it does there upon the "Preserved Table" (Surah Ixxxv. 21).[1] Thus God alone is held to be the "Source" of Islam; and if so, then all effort to find a human origin for any part of it must be in vain. Now, if we can trace the teaching of any part of it, to an earthly Source, or to human systems existing previous to the Prophet's age, then Islam at once falls to the ground.
It therefore behooves every true and earnest Believer, with the utmost diligence to test whether this claim be true or not. If their opponents can bring to light no human Source, they may contend that by admission Islam is indeed divine; but if otherwise, they cannot but perceive what fatal conclusion must be drawn. Let us then test the assertions of those who hold to the existence of human Sources, and see whether any portion of the doctrines and tenets of Islam can be traced to other Faiths or Sources preceding the Prophet's age, or existing at the time.
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