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Islam Primer

From a seminar on Islam designed to focus on the most important aspects of Islam and their core beliefs. Not all issues are addressed, only the most common and important. Familiarity with this material will aid in understanding Muslims in order to present the Gospel of Christ to them.

Islam: Terms and Quiz

Terms: Muslim, Quran, Sunni (largest sect), Shia (second largest sect), Sufi (mystics)

Greeting: Asalamalaykuum (Peace unto you) Response: Walaykuumsalam (and unto you)

Muslim Lineage: Abraham => Ishmael => Arabs => Muhammad => Muslims
Christian Lineage: Abraham => Isaac => Jews => Jesus => Christians

Muhammad's Religious Influences: Jews, Nestorian Christians (Mariology), Sabians

History of Islam:

632 Death of Muhammad & Expansion
750 Golden Age of Islam
1100 Crusades against Muslims
1300 Ottoman Empire
1700 Colonialism of Muslim Territories
1950 Economic Subjugation of Muslim Countries
1970 Oil & Fundamentalism Revival

Present Palestine
Present Western "Christian" Immorality

Muslims are "Historical People" whose perspective of the world and life come from the events of the past. As Westerners, our view of life focuses on the present and the future.

Islam Quiz (with answers):

1. How many Muslims are there in the world? ~ 1.2-1.5 Billion Muslims
2. What is the world's population? 6.0 billion
3. How many children does the average Muslim woman have? six
4. What does the Arabic word "islam" literally mean? the way of submission
5. What five countries have the largest Muslim populations? Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria
6. What is the name of Islam's holy book? Qur'an
7. What language was this book written in? Arabic
8. What province in India has the largest percentage of Muslims? Kashmir (north-west)
9. What are the five pillars (central practices) of Islam? confession, prayer, alms, fast, hajj
10. What nation in South America is more than 15% Muslim? Suriname
11. What city do Muslims face when they pray? Mecca
12. Where is this city? Saudi Arabia
13. What are the two main branches of Islam? Sunni and Shi'a
14. What do Muslims call the building where they worship? mosque
15. How many converts to Islam are there everyday in America? ~2,500 (although the apostasy rate is very high)
16. How many Muslims die in the world everyday? ~ 80,000

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