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Page 78 the deputies of the Sanhedrin. Go and tell the Governor that we hand over to his court this dangerous man, who presents himself as the Messiah and the King of the Jews! But we cannot Wait here! The Governor will come to the balcony, residence of a Gentile.which overlooks the enter the palace, because it's the We wouldn't be able to eat the Pass-over meal. court yard. Of what do you accuse this man? We bring him to you, because we have no right to execute anyone.. Governor Pilate, our court has sentenced him to death. Bring the accused into the palace. I'll hear him myself! congratulate you for your zeal in handing over an agitatior who disturbs the public order. You are accused of pre senting yourself as the Messiah, the King of the Jews. My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would have fought to prevent my arrest by the Jews


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