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There are no words to express the events of last night... it's become very
clear to me that Jesus is far greater than Moses and Elijah!
Oh, yes. They have only prepared His coming... He is part of God's glory Himself!
I heard the voice from heaven saying: "Jesus is My Son Whom I'love.... follow Him, listen to Him."
saw the same, John, and I tell you that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. Surely, He's the Son of the living God
Peter, I heard you saying: "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If You wish, I will put up three shelters; one for You, one for
Moses and one for Elijah..."
My friends, I command you: don't tell anyone what you have seen...until the Son of man has been raised from the dead!
I don't fully
understand, but we promise to remain silent.
Come along, friends, let's go up to Jerusalem!
James, John and I, Peter, trust that God is with us
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