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But who do you think I am?
We're far from the crowds now... here we can rest and meditate. I want to ask you this question: Who do the
people say that I am? Who do they take me for?
Many think you are the prophet Elijah, who disappeared so mysteriously and who will return some day
Oh, opinions differ... King Herod is afraid you are John the Baptist whom he had beheaded and who might have risen from the dead.
Many say that you are a new prophet, gifted by God with great power.
To us: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!
Simon, this was not revealed to you by men, but by my Father in heaven!
God will reveal it to all men who trust In Him.
After the meal at the lakeside I spoke in the synagogue of Capernaum...many people have not accepted my message. They have left me. Do you want to leave me too?
Lord, to whom shall we go? We believe that you are the holy one of God! You have the words of eternal life!
My dear disciples, have I not chosen you twelve?
Yet, one of you belongs to the Devil!
Jesus meant Judas, who would betray him.


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