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A money-lender cancelled the debts of two persons, who could not pay him back. One owed him five hundred deneri and the other only owed fifty.
Who do you think will be more grateful?
Your question has a deeper meaning, but at first sight... the one who is most grateful, is the one who has the bigger debt cancelled.
Exactly! The same thing is happening here. You didn't give me any water to wash my feet... is the custom...
nor did you give me a welcoming kiss, which is always given to guests.... but this woman washed my feet 7with her tears
and she hasn't stopped kissing them
But he who has been forgiven little, loves little.
My daughter, you may go in peace; your sins are forgiven.
Her many sins have been forgiven... therefore she loves much!
Who does he take himself for! How does he dare to forgive sins instead of God!
From that day on Mary of Magdala, also called Magdalene, followed Jesus together with other women.


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