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Page 35

At the border near Capernaum, there was a customs office...
Matthew, are you dreaming about all your profits?
I am, wondering about this Jesus of whom everyone is speaking...I feel attracted to this
Don't make me
laugh! You, a customs officer, who works for the
Romans, who are our
Then suddenly....
You? A man, enjoying life? Running after parties and women? He won't like you! Maybe you're right, but, look here He
Shalom, Matthew! Would you
want to become My disciple?
What? Who? Me?
Jesus, promise: I shall follow You!
Friends, great news.....
I'm going to leave you and follow Jesus! Are you surprised? But He really wants me to follow Him!
To celebrate my departure, I'm giving a great banquet and Jesus shall be
present. All are invited!


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  • Hits: 2199

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