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Jesus traveled through all of Galilee, preaching the Good News and healing the sick, crowds followed Him...
My time has come! The Kingdom of Heaven is near! It's knocking at your doors! Change your lives and turn to God and serve Him!
Come, all to Me who are weary and fired and I shall give you rest! Learn from Me. I am gentle and humble in heart.
can walk again!) Praise God!
wish it were true. We are fed up with kings and emperors, revolutions and changes of governments
For ages all that came from men was disappointing. We really need the mercy of God.
All the prophets wrote about the coming Messiah and by what signs we could recognize Him! The blind would see and the lame walk!
hear the bell of a leper! Let's step aside.
The people with contagious diseases have to live in isolation. They are waiting for Jesus at
the city gate.
Mesus touched my eyes and now I see!
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