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The next morning....
What happened? My baskets are empty. Nothing a for sale today?
We had an exhausting night, but caught nothing! Now we have to clean our nets.
There comes
Jesus, followed by a crowd...
Peter, take your boat out a little so that I can talk to all these people who are eager to hear God's Word.
Jesus said: This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground....
Night and day whether he sleeps or is awake, the seeds sprout and grow...
though he does not know how, all by itself the soil produces grain-first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel, in the head-producing our daily bread.
All of you are invited to enter! But you must change your lives!. Your hearts should not be hard like a rock or like the soil filled with thorns, overgrown with desires for.....possessions, money and comforts!...


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