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Page 18

In Bethlehem's field, there were shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night...
Good News for you all! A child is born to you-the Saviour! You'll find him in a manger in Bethlehem.
Let us
go and see!
Born in the night of the new star-in a stable-and in Bethlehem, David's native town! Exactly on the day the, entire family is here!
That is a sign! He'll be the
future Shepherd of our people -the promised
Certainly, this the chosen Child!
God comes to us. The whole sky is full of light.
I hear singing: Glory to God in the highest!
On the eighth day the child was circumcised. Circumcision was given to all Jewish male children as a sign and a seal of God's covenant with Abraham.
Joseph, what name do you give this child? name is Jesus!
Which means:
God saves us!
The next day the news spreads around quickly.


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