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How Their Lives Changed

Testimony of Desert Son (Islam)

I was born in Saudi Arabia as a member of a Muslim family. We were a very happy family, and I loved my relationship with them. I also felt very happy because I did all the things that God asked me to. I had learned one sixth of the holy Quran by heart and a lot from the Hadieth. When I was a teenager, I was an Imam for the mosque. I was always very serious to do all that God ordered me to do--fasting during Ramadan, praying five times a da...

Doris's Testimony (Greek Orthodox)

Doris's Testimony I was born in Jerusalem in 1963 to a Greek Orthodox family, I was the youngest of six sisters, and then a brother was born two years later. In 1969 my family moved to Amman, Jordan, where I attended a Christian missionary school. As a child, I did not attend the Orthodox church regularly. I remember going to church on special occasions like Christmas and Easter. Besides, we lived too far from the church and we did not have a...

Mark Gabriel's Testimony (Islam)

The Story of M A Gabriel The former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Disillusioned at Al-Azhar Fifteen years ago I was the imam of a mosque in the city of Giza, Egypt, which is where the famous Egyptian pyramids are located. (Imam of a mosque is a position similar to pastor of a Christian church.) I preached the message of the week on Fridays from 12 to 1 in the afternoon, as well as performed other duties. ...

Jacqueline's Testimony - a nun (Catholic)

From a Nun's Convent to Biblical Conversion Forty five years of my life were spent as a Roman Catholic; twenty-two of them as a nun in an enclosed convent dedicated to adoration, reparation and suffering. I believed it was a nun's calling to be a miniature savior of the world like Jesus Christ. After attending Catholic elementary school for eight years and memorizing catechism which is the Roman Catholic textbook, I believed in my heart that...