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How Their Lives Changed

Ben Ali's Testimony (Islam)

Listen to Ben Ali's testimony who is from Palestine who is a former Muslim. Bernardi, he and his wife are the cause of all of this. And praise God for that. I'm not going to say any further, please. I'm coming forward. English or Arabic? You're going to get English. It's going to be Midwestern Kansas City, English. So, yeah, Jed was just talking about America and you know, I hear the testimonies. I'm like, man, my testimony, you know, ev...

Hilda's Testimony (Maronite)

The Testimony of Hilda From Beirut I was born in Beirut in 1965. When I was 9, the war started, and with it, the long devastating years of all the Lebanese started. With this war, and my house in the midst of demarcation line, questions began to haunt me day and night. Is this life? Death was our daily bread, tears and destruction everywhere. My parents, being from Christian background, could not answer my questions as they themselves d...

Doris's Testimony (Greek Orthodox)

Doris's Testimony I was born in Jerusalem in 1963 to a Greek Orthodox family, I was the youngest of six sisters, and then a brother was born two years later. In 1969 my family moved to Amman, Jordan, where I attended a Christian missionary school. As a child, I did not attend the Orthodox church regularly. I remember going to church on special occasions like Christmas and Easter. Besides, we lived too far from the church and we did not have a...

Zara's Testimony

  I grew up with my grandparents in a devout Muslim home. From a very early age I practiced fasting in Ramadan and on the Islamic holy days, read namaaz daily and read my Quran, even memorizing large parts. Because we lived in South Africa which was under apartheid in those years, we were “non-white” and classed as Indians/Asians. As a result of apartheid we were not allowed to go to a school or college of our choice and were forced to attend ...