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How Their Lives Changed

Haytham's Testimony (Druze)

Nothing but the Truth I was born to a nominal Druze home in Lebanon. The Druze who prefer to be called El-Mowahideen, believers in one God, are an Islamic sect that began to spread during the Fatimid empire (988 AD) ruled by Imam Al-Hakim B'Amr-Allah. Al-Tawhid (Unitarianism) believes in Re-incarnation, the Ancientness of the world, and the incarnation of God in man's image. Reincarnation is believed to be God's provision for a soul to live m...

Hilda's Testimony (Maronite)

The Testimony of Hilda From Beirut I was born in Beirut in 1965. When I was 9, the war started, and with it, the long devastating years of all the Lebanese started. With this war, and my house in the midst of demarcation line, questions began to haunt me day and night. Is this life? Death was our daily bread, tears and destruction everywhere. My parents, being from Christian background, could not answer my questions as they themselves d...

Tania's Testimony (Druze)

Testimony of Tania - A Druze from Lebanon I grew up in a happy home but I do not remember being happy.  My parents had always provided me with everything I needed however I never felt happy or satisfied.  The most striking memory from my childhood was of me lying in my bed in the middle of the night and crying because I wanted to go home.  I was very confused at that time because I didn’t understand why I felt so out of p...

Sommer's Testimony (Islam)

Christ Changed My Life Unlike many of my brothers and sisters on this website, I had attended Church as a child. This was only during the summer time though, when I visited my mother's parents in The USA. I grew up in Kuwait with a Muslim father and a Christian mother. Having a Muslim father required me to study Islam. I remember the confusion at such a young age. I thought Jesus died on the cross, but I had friends who strongly disp...