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How Their Lives Changed

Bahija's Testimony (Assyrian)

I have blotted out your transgressions! My name is Bahija. I was born in Iraq, and I grew up in a Catholic background (Ashuria). I attended church almost every Sunday; and that alone gave me the security that I was complying with my religious duties. Of course, I continually sinned, but I always compared myself to others and believed that I was better off. When my sister and her husband accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour, I not...

Tania's Testimony (Druze)

Testimony of Tania - A Druze from Lebanon I grew up in a happy home but I do not remember being happy.  My parents had always provided me with everything I needed however I never felt happy or satisfied.  The most striking memory from my childhood was of me lying in my bed in the middle of the night and crying because I wanted to go home.  I was very confused at that time because I didn’t understand why I felt so out of p...

Emad's Testimony (Greek Orthodox)

Emad's Testimony I was born in the Gaza Strip to a Christian family who was Greek Orthodox. In Gaza, with a population of approximately one million, there is only about 1% Christians mostly belong to the Greek Orthodox Church. My father, after graduating from high school, attended the Baptist School for Allied Health Sciences in Gaza, and upon graduating, he got a job as a medical technologist at the Baptist Hospital. My father used to go to ...

Haytham's Testimony (Druze)

Nothing but the Truth I was born to a nominal Druze home in Lebanon. The Druze who prefer to be called El-Mowahideen, believers in one God, are an Islamic sect that began to spread during the Fatimid empire (988 AD) ruled by Imam Al-Hakim B'Amr-Allah. Al-Tawhid (Unitarianism) believes in Re-incarnation, the Ancientness of the world, and the incarnation of God in man's image. Reincarnation is believed to be God's provision for a soul to live m...